NOTE: All information on this page is copyrighted by RosettaStoneInc, and may not be duplicated
Dose: Boil 1 teaspoon of dried root bark in 1.5 pints of water
in a closed container for 1/2 hour. Drink 1 cup of the
cooled liquid, twice in a day.
Ashwandgandha has not to my knowledge, yet been evaluated
by Com. E, ESCOP or WHO.
According to the Com. E Report this Medicinal
Root is can be used for PMS (premenstrual)
discomfort, painful menstruation and menopausal
problems. The herb has an estrogen-like action,
and binds to estrogen receptors. May occasionally
cause gastric discomfort in some people.
Daily Dose: Alcohol extract corresponding to 40mg of
the herbal drug. *Should not be taken for
longer than 6 months at a time*.
This is a Native American plant which contains acetin
which lowers blood pressure *(should not be used with
other blood pressure lowering agents)* It is a peripheral
vasodilator, an anti-bacterial and an anti-yeast agent, it
is an anti-inflammatory agent (useful particularly in
rheumatism) and a hypoglycemic agent. The Russians
have used it for treating high blood pressure and as a central nervous system
(CNS) "tonic".
Research has shown this herb to be an anti-inflammatory
and anti-hyperensive agent. It also also appears to be
useful in the treatment of liver cirrhosis.
Daily Dose: ROOT 1 teaspoon of granulated root boiled in
1.5 pints of water for 1/2 hour. 1 cup
per day drunk very slowly
The Com. E Report states that the main use of these
rhizomes is as support therapy for the discomforts
(pain, cramp, swelling and itching, particularly in the
legs) of chronic venous insufficiency and also for the
burning and itching in hemorrhoids. Side effects are
rare - nausea. The animals models for this herbal
drug have in addition, shown it to increase venous
tone and have anti-inflammatory and diuretic
Daily Dose: Raw extract, equivalent to 7-11mg of
total ruscogenin, defined as the sum of ruscogenin
and neoruscogenin.
The Herbal Medicine consists of the dried ripe fruit of
this plant. This berry effects female hormone production.
The Com. E Report approves the following uses for these
Herbal Dried Fruits: Premenstrual (PMS) complaints,
irregularities of the menstrual cycle and for painful breasts.
NOTE: Consult your doctor if symptoms persist.
*Contraindictations*: During lactation OR the use of
dopamine-receptor antagonists.
Daily Dose: 30-40mg of the drug or its equivalent.
According to the Com E. Report, this root is for supportative
therapy of degenerative disorders of the locomotor system.
It action is that of an anti-inflammatory, it relieves pain and
stimulates the liver. It is contraindicated in persons with
gastric or duodenal ulcer or certain types of gallstones. It
has no known side effects nor interactions with other drugs.
The daily dose is 4.5gm of drug or its equivalent. There is
also an ESCOP Monograph on this Herbal Medicine.
The Echinacea Purpurea Herb (fresh above ground
parts) is an official approved Com E herb for use as
supportive therapy for *colds and chronic respiratory
and lower urinary tract infections*. It should *not* be
used by persons with progressive systemic diseases,
such as, multiple sclerosis, HIV, AIDS, TB and other
autoimmune diseases. The daily dosage should be
6-9ml of the expressed juices (or standardized
equivalent) and should not be taken for longer than
8 weeks. No interaction with other drugs is known,
although a few people have traditionally shown an
allergic reaction, which may well have been due to
impure preparations. The herb acts on the immune
system, but the method of action is not fully understood.
This herb also has antibacterial and antiviral properties.
It contains caffeic acid, chicoric acid and echinacin.
Caffeic acid inhibits integrase, an enzyme important in
viral reproduction. Traditionally this herb is effective
against herpes simplex and influenza.
Externally, the semi-solid herb containing at least 15%
of the pressed the herb, can be used effectively for
*poorly healing wounds or chronic ulcerations*.
The main action of this plant is to increase blood flow, it is
a venous blood dilator. Hence, it can increase brain power
function, and reduce memory loss and depression due to reduced blood
flow to the brain. For the same reason it can be helpful in
arrhythmias, poor circulation to the hands and feet, and in
impotency due to erectile and other circulatory dysfunctions.
It is useful for inflammations, slow healing ulcers and wounds
primarily due to poor blood circulation. Ginkgo biloba also
speeds up alcohol metabolism and dopamine synthesis.
According to the Com. E Report the following are the properties
of the Gingko Biloba Leaf Extract:
A. Brain syndromes, including memory deficits, dementia and
many others
B. Improvement of pain-free walking in Stage II perpheral arterial
occlusive disease (intermittent claudication)
C. Vertigo and tinnitus
There is also a World Health Organization (WHO) Monograph on
Gingko Biloba.
The Com. E Report noted that in animal models, the
endurance was enhanced under stress test conditions.
The use proposed for this Herbal Medicine was as a
tonic for invigorating and fortifying during times of fatigue,
debilitation or lack of capacity to work or concentrate.
WHO has written a Report on Asian Ginseng. Its
cousins, American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) has
similar properties, although large amounts may raise
blood pressure, whereas, Dwarf Ginseng (Panax trifolius)
was used by North American tribes for colic, gout,
rheumatism, headaches and shortness of breath. There
are at least three other cousins, Panax repens, which is also stated to have some
"tonic" properties; Panax murrayi, an Australian tree, which
produces a gum containing 85% arabin (similar to gum
Acacia and sometimes, used as a substitute for Gum
Arabic) and Panax Edgerleyi, a New Zealand tree, whose
leaves the Maoris used for perfumed oils.
Dose: 1-2gm of root or its equivalent per day.
Should only be taken for up to 3 months, but courses
could be repeated.
Clinical trials have shown a fall in total serum cholesterol,
triglycerides, LDL and serum lipid-phosphorus and a raise
in HDL, due to the steroides, Guggalsterone Z and E, in
very nearly all patients with high levels of cholesterol
associated with obesity, ischemic heart disease,
hypertension, diabetes and similar conditions.
Other trials, this time in animals, have shown the presence
of a highly potent anti-inflammatory agent.
Dose: Follow the label directions of the commercial preparation.
Guggal has not to my knowlege, been evaluated by Com. E
ESCOP or WHO yet.
Hawthorn leaves with flowers contain flavonoids,
such as, hyperside, vitexinrhamnose, rutin and
vitexin and oligomeric procyanidins.
In the Com. E Report it is stated that this herbal
medicine can increase the force of heart muscle
contractions and the conditivity of the nerve fibers,
increase the cardiac work tolerance and decrease
the pressure/heart rate product in cases of cardiac
insufficiency (Stage I and II NYHA (New York Heart
Association) rating scheme).
Daily Dose: 160-900mg native, water-ethanol
extract corresponding to 30-168.7mg procyanidins
(calculated as epicatechin) or 3.5-19.8mg flavonoids
(calculated as hyperoside) OR equivalent dosage.
Should not be taken for longer than 6 weeks if
symptoms do not improve or legs swell. In the case
of pain in the region of the heart, spreading to the arms,
neck or abdomen or respiratory distress, *immediately*
This herb has been used for hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
It is considered an anti-inflammatory and research indicates
that it may be of use in atherosclerosis. Traditionally, it has
been used for menstrual disorders.
The Com. E Report states that this Herbal Medicine can be
used in cases of chronic venous insufficiency, when there is
pain, swelling or itching in the legs or nocturnal cramping in
the leg calfs. Isolated side effects of nausea or itching have
been observed.
Daily Dose: 100mg aescin corresponding to 250-312.5mg
of extract twice per day OR equivalent.
Official use (from Germany commission E and WHO data)is for *catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract
and gastric/duodenal ulcers*. The glycyrrhizic acid (a
triterpene saponin) and its aglycone accelerate the healing
of the gastric ulcers and soothes the mucous membranes
in sore throats, etc. The secretolytic and expectorant effects
produced on the respiratory tract have also been confirmed.
Glycyrrhizin has been shown to be as effective as codeine
as a cough suppressant (given st conditions).
This herbal root has a cortisonelike effect, because it reduces
the conversion of cortisol to cortisone and hence, can
sometimes, be safer than the administeration of cortisone itself.
This root also potentiates the effects of hydrocortisone, allowing
for a lower dose to be used. The anti-inflammatory properties
of this root have proved useful in cases of Addison's disease
and peptic ulcers.
Chinese traditional medicine has used this root to combat
fevers and infections. The antiviral effects of this herb appear
to be due to glycyrrhizin being able to inhibit the virus replication
of the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and hepatitis B. There are
some Japanese studies which claim glycyrrhizin delays the
appearance of HIV symptoms and can reduce the side effects
from AZT. This herb is now being used for SARS, but results need further evaluation.
This drug should not be used by persons with liver or kidney
diseases, fluid or sodium retention or potassium loss or
during pregnancy. This is because during *prolonged use,
at high doses* the mineralocorticoid effects of the drug may
cause sodium or water retention or potassium loss, leading
to hypertension. edema and hypokalemia and in rare cases,
myoglobinuria. This drug should also *not* be used with
other drugs (for example, thiazide diuretics) which increase
potassium loss. With potassium loss, sensitivity to digitalis
glycosides increases.
Dosage: Average daily dose: About 5-15g of the root
(200-600mg of glycyrrhizin) OR of the influsion liquid 0.5-1g
for upper respiratory infections; 1.5-3g for gastric/duodenal
ulcers OR equivalent preparations. Duration of administration:
*no longer than* 4-6 weeks. However, the root may used as
a flavoring agent or sweetener (50 times sweeter than sugar)
up to a *maximum* daily dosage equivalent of 100mg
glycyrrhizin. (It works out that 3 cups of the herbal tea per day
appears to be safe.)
Two other effects of this herbal root that need *further research*
The mechanism of action of one of the main active agents
of this plant, namely, silymarin, is to alter the structure of
the liver cell (hepatocytes) membranes, so that liver toxins
cannot penetrate the cell walls and in addition, silmarin
increases ribosomal protein synthesis, thus stimulating the
regeneration ability of the liver and the formation of new
According to the Com. E Report, extracts of the seeds of
the Milk Thistle plant are being used, in Europe, for toxic
liver damage and as supportive therapy in chronic
inflammatory liver disease and in liver cirrhosis. The daily
dosage used is 12-15 gm of the seeds or 200-400mg of
silymarin calculated as silibinin.
The Com. E. Report states that the use of Motherwort is for
"nervous" (emotion stress) cardiac disorders and as a support
therapy for thyroid hyperfunction.
Daily Dose: 4.5g of herb or equivalent.
AMLA FRUIT or INDIAN GOOSEBERRY (Emblica officinalis or E. myrobalan)
This herb contains high amounts of tannins (28%), gallic acid (5%) and
Vitamin C. The fruit of this herb is used as a diuretic and laxative. It
has some cholesterol lowering properties and has a mild depressant action on
the central nervous system (CNS). Folk tradition claims that an oil
extracted for the fruit can promote hair growth.
HARITAKI FRUIT (Terminalia chebula or Chebulic myrobalan)
This fruit contains 20-40% tannin and also gallic acid. The fruit has
laxative, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. It may also have some
cholesterol lowering properties.
VIBHITAKI FRUIT (Terminalia belercia/balercia or Balerica myrobalan)
The fruit from this plant contains 17% tannins and is used as a laxative,
with some antifungal and cholesterol lowering properties. The fruit can
also be used as a preserve.
According to the Com. E Report this plant is used in cases of mild
impairment of heart function, since it improves muscle contraction
and "strengthens" the veins.
NOTE: The effects of this herbal drug are potentiated by quinine,
calcium, diuretics and laxatives and extended glucocorticoids.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not use with digitalis glycosides OR if potassium deficiency.
Dose: Average daily dose 0.6gm standardized adonis powder
The approved use of these seeds, according to the
Com. E Report are to treat urination problems of benign
prostatic hyperplasias (BPH) stages 1 and 2 and bladder
irritation conditions. NOTE: These seeds relieve the
symptoms associated with the enlarged prostate, but do
Daily Dose: 10gm of seed or equivalent preparation.
The Com. E Report noted that these berries were approved
for use for urination problems in benign prostate hyperplasia
(BPH). NOTE: The action of these berries is not reduce the
size of the prostate, but just the symptoms. CONSULT YOUR
Daily Dose: 1-2gm of Saw Palmetto berries or equivalent dose.
This Herbal Medicine is made from the above-ground
parts of this plant. The herb contains alkaloids, mainly
spateine. (The FDA consider this an UNSAFE drug).
HOWEVER, the Com. E Report *approved* the use of
this herb for functional heart and circulatory disorders.
BUT, due to its tyramine content, if monamino oxidase
(MAO) inhibitors are simultaneously administered, a
blood pressure crisis may occur.
This herb also has been used for urinary tract disorders,
but is contraindicated in acute renal disease.
Daily Dose: Extract equivalent to 1-1.5gm of drug
*Contraindicated* in persons with high blood
Dose: 2-3gm of root or equivalent preparation per day.
Should only be taken for up to 3 months, but courses
could be repeated.
Wort means plant. This herb is called St John's because
traditionally, (take your pick) it began to bloom at the time of
St. John's Day (24 June) and/or developed red spots on this
leaves on the anniversary of the death of John the Baptist
(29 August) . The official herb consists of the dried above
ground parts of this plant. It is used officially, internally for,
*"psychovegetative" disturbances, depressive moods, anxiety
and/or nervous complaints* and externally for, *treatment and
post-therapy of acute contused injuries, myalgia and first
degree burns*. This herb is a known *anti-inflammatory* agent
and an *antidepressant*. It is often claimed that its anti-
depressant activity is because hypericin is a MAO (monoamine
oxidase) inhibitor, HOWEVER, the MAO activity has *only* been
found in NON-mammian systems and *subsequent* animal and
human research has indicated NO or VERY SLIGHT MAO activity
in mammalian (including human) systems. However, care should
be exercised, if this herbal drug is *combine* with known MAO
inhibitors, etc. (amphetamines, narcotics, tryptophan, alcohol
and smoked or pickled foods), this is because potential
*potentiation effects* are at present unknown - HENCE YOU
St. John's Wort is a powerful antidepressant, equivalent or
more powerful than amitriptyline (Elavil) and imiprimine (Tofranil).
It can relieve anxiety, insomnia and improve the quality of sleep
and also restore self-esteem. Its action (externally) on burns is
to "speed-up healing and reduce scarring".
Initial experiments have shown that the compounds hypericin
and pseudohypericin present in this herb can kill Herpes simplex,
hence, the antiviral (and may be, the anti-bacterial) properties of
this plant need further investigation.
Please remember photosensitivity is a possible side effect in
some people, especially if they are fair-skinned.
The average daily dose for internal use is 2-4g of the herbal
drug OR 0.2-1mg of total hypericin OR as state in equivalents
In conclusion, the FDA once declared (1977) this herb as "unsafe",
due to some experiments using cattle, which DO NOT APPLY
to humans - we are human not cattle I hope!
This Herb has been shown to have anti-inflammatory
properties and to lower blood sugar in animal tests.
This Herbal Root has been the subject of an ESCOP
Report and has been approved for use by Com. E to help
with difficulties in urination in benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH) stages I and II, by increasing urinary flow. A mild
gastric upset is occasionally found in some people
following administration of this drug. NOTE: This drug
does not reduce the size of the prostate, only relieves the
Daily Dose: 4-6gm of the drug or equivalent preparation.
Both ESCOP and WHO have written reports on this widely used
herbal medicine.
Dose: Tea of 2-3gm of root per cup or its equivalent, once to
several times per day. Home Page
NOTE: All information on this page is copyrighted by RosettaStoneInc, and may not be duplicated
Ashwandgandha Root Bark- (Withania somnifera)
Extracts from the root of this plant have been shown to have
sedative, tranquilizing and anti-stress properties. They have also
been shown to be of use in many cases of senile debility, loss of
memory and loss of muscular energy. They appear to lower serum
cholesterol, with no side effects and have an anti-inflammatory
action in cases of rheumatism. The extracts have also been found
to be of use in seminal debility.
Bearberry or Uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva ursi)
Traditionally used as a diuretic, but can cause irritation. Recent
scientific findings appear to show that it has antiviral and antibacterial
properties. The German E Commission has approved its use for inflammatory disorders of the urinary tract.
Bilberry or European Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
(American Blueberry is Vaccinium corymbosum)
These berries are high in anthocyanins which appear to lower blood
cholesterol and help prevent blood clots and inaddition appear to breakdown
plaque deposits. Bilberries seem to improve eyesight, prticularly night
vision and slow macular degeneration. The German E Commission has approved
their use to treat diarrhea and vascular disorders.
Black Cohosh Root- (Cimicifuga racemosa)
This rhizome contains tripene glycosides.
Bladder Wrack (Fucus vesiculosus)
It is high in Vitamin C and iodide and potassium, thus has been used to
treat some forms of goiter and hence some forms of obesity, too. It also
appears to have antimicrobial properties and in animals can lower blood
Blue Cohosh Root - (Caulophyllum thalictroides)
This Native American Herbal Root has been used
traditionally as an aid to promote rapid child delivery
through stimulation of the uterine muscle and as an aid
for parturition.
BOERHAAVIA - Boerhaavia diffusa or B. repens (Spreading Hogweed or Punarnava
Young leaves from this plant can be eaten as greens (it is a Pot Herb), as
can the roots. In Traditional Medicine it has been used as a diuretic and
Boswellia or Indian Frankicense (Boswellia serrata)
In India usedas an anti-inflammatory and to relieve osteoarithritis and
bursitis. There is contradictory evidence as to whether it is helpful
inrheumatoid athritis. This gum extract may be helpful to persons with
Brindle Berry or
Malabar Tamarind (Garcinia Cambogia)
The dried fruits are used in curries and in higher doses as a purgative.
These fruits may also lower blood pressure. Brindle berries contain about
16% hydroxycitric acid which, it has been claimed, is an effective weight
loss agent. However, this has not been supported by 2 well controlled
BUCHU (Barosma betulina or Agathosma betulina)
This African herbal medicine has been used as a diuretic, particularly for
water retention in pre- and menstrual problems. As with all diuretics body
levels of potassium may fall, so eat plenty of bananas. The phytochemical
in this herb, dispherol, appears to have antibacterial action in bladder
infections. CAUTION: In some instance this herb has been found to increase
blood pressure.
Butcher's Broom Rhizome - (Ruscus aculeatus)
These rhizomes contain the steroid saponins ruscin
and ruscoside.
CAMU-CAMU or RUMBERRY (Myrciaria dubia)
The fruit from this plant has the highest known content of Vitamin C in the
world (4% dry weight versus lemons 0.56%).
This fruit also contains fairly large quantities of calcium, iron, Vitamins
B1, B2 and B3, beta-carotene, leucine, serine and valine. All medicinal
claims for this plant seem to be based only on the nutritional values stated
California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica)
There are claims that this plant has sleep inducing and sedative properties
that are of help in insomnia, however these remain unproven.
Chamomile (German - Matricaria recutita or Chamomilla recutita; Roman -
Anthemis nobilis)
Traditionally it is claimed to be one of nature's safest and most effective
sedatives, with additional anti-flammatory and muscle relaxing effects.
German E Commission has approved its use for inflammatory diseases of the
gastrointestinal tract and gastrointestinal spasms.
CAT'S CLAW (Uncaria tomentosa)
This herb contains many phytochemicals with medicinal uses. Key ones are,
the quinovic acid glycosides, which can reduce inflammations throughout the
body and the oxyindole alkaloids and proanthocyanidins which can enhance the
immune system.
Chasteberry Fruit - (Vitex agnus castus)
(Also called Monk's Pepper or Cloister Pepper).
Traditional European "female remedy" plant.
COLEUS FORSKOHLII (Plectranthus barbatus)
This herb is used in Ayurvedic medicine. It appears to be able, in some
instances, to boost the body's production of both insulin and thyroid
hormone. It also appears to be able to improve blood flow in the brain and
ease intraoccular pressure in glaucoma. Some research suggests that this
herb may be helpful in weightloss, however it can also improve nutrient
absorption. Other properties appear to include boosting the immune system,
decreasing blood pressure and reducing swellings in inflammatory conditions.
Cornelian cherry or Siberian cherry (Cornus mas)
Traditionally esteemed for its tonic and anti-diarrhea properties. In many
nations used in drinks and preserves, for example in France in the alcoholic
drink, "Vin de Cornoulle" and in Turkey, it is used as a flavoring for sherbets.
Damiana (Turnera diffus or T. aphrodisiaca)
Traditionally used as a laxative and a stimulant (depending on the dose) and
for treatment of sexual disorders. Claims have been made that it is a safe
aphrodisiac, but unfortunately this has not been scientifically proven to be
Devil's Claw Root- (Harpagophytum procumbens)
This a traditional African Herbal Medicine from the Kalahari
Desert. One of the key components is the iridoidal glycoside,
harpagide, an anti-inflammatory and smooth muscle relaxant,
which is sometimes helpful in arithritis and rheumatism. In
addition this plant appears to have has antiarrhythmic and
antihypertensive activity and has been found to be able to
lower cholesterol and neutral fat levels.
Echinacea (Coneflower, Echinacea purpurea,
E. angustifolia, E. pallida)
Most is known about E. purpurea
herba and E. pallida root, but in time probably will be
shown to apply to the E. pallida and E. angustifolia
or a mix, as well. The dose stated, is for E. purpurea
herba OR use the *standardized* dose on products
from Germany or Switzerland (England and the rest
of Europe are converting over too).
Feverfew or Bachelor's Buttons (Tanacetum parthenium or Chrysanthemum
Since the time of the Ancient Greeks this plant has been used to treat
migraine headaches, but not other types of headaches. Recent scientific
studies have confirmed this use for many migraine headaches. Also,
traditionally Feverfew together with honey has been used for coughs,
wheezing and difficulties in breathing. A tincture applied to the skin can
relieve the pain from insect bites.
Ginkgo Biloba Leaves - (Maidenhair Tree)
The Ginko is the
only survivor of the oldest living tree species, which goes
back in time 200-million years!!! The Buddhist monks,
who deemed it sacred planted it near their temples.
The Chinese used an extract of the fruit to ward off TB,
the seed kernel for respiratory and kidney infections and
leaf extracts for drepression, toxic shock, circulatory
ailments and senility.
In Europe this Herbal Drug is used mainly for:
Daily dosage: 120-240mg native dry extract (or equivalent)
in 2 or 3 doses
Should be used for at least 8 weeks and then reviewed
after a total of 3 months - to continue or not.
Daily dosage:120-160mg native dry extract (or equivalent)
in 2 or 3 doses
Should be used for no less than 6 weeks before reviewing
its usefulness
Daily dosage: 120-160mg native dry extract (or equivalent)
in 2 or 3 doses
Administration for more than 6-8 weeks has *no*
therapeutic benefit.
Ginseng Root, Asian - (Panax ginseng)
(Please note the disclaimers above)
This root has been shown to stimulate the immune system,
improve concentration and reaction times and improve
stamina and performance.
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) - Chi Hsing/Pai Kuo
In Fiji it has long been used to "energize and strengthen" the brain,
improve memory and extend longevity. It is used as a tonic, a sedative, a
diuretic (depending on the dose) and to accelerate wound healing. An
overdose may cause narcotic stupor. In India, it has been used for
rheumatism, mental illness and open sores in skin diseases. Scientific
testing has proven inconclusive with regard to reducing blood pressure,
speeding healing of wounds and sores and the successful treatment of
Griffonia seed (Griffonia simplicifolia or Bandeiraea simplicifolia)
Traditionally this West African herb has been used as an aphrodisiac, an aid
for diarrhea and as a purgative (depending on the dose). These seeds have
been found to contain 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), which is formed from
tryptophan, using a Vitamin B3 dependent enzyme. The 5-HTP is the immediate
precursor of serotonin, which, via N-acetylserotonin can be transformed into
the sleep promoting substance melatonin. 5-HTP has been found to ease
hunger pains, thus aiding in weight loss, whereas serotonin has been found
to alleviate depression and obsessive compulsive disorders (OCDs) and
mitigate pain suffered in fibromyalgia and migraine headaches.
Guarana (Paullinia cupana)
The seeds of this plant typically contain nearly 5% caffein. Traditionally
it is used to alleviate migraine headaches and is also claimed to be a tonic
for fatigue (probably due to the caffeine) and is used as a sexual
stimulant. South American Indians prepare an alcoholic beverage from
Guarana seeds with Cassava and water. Crushed seeds are used to treat
chronic diarrhea. Other medical uses of this shrub such as being able to
quell hunger and thirst and cure headaches, have not been confirmed by
scientific research, wheras other such as its stimulating effect on the
circulatory system can be explained by its caffeine content.
Guggal/Gugal Gum Resin - (Commiphora mukul)
(A traditional Indian Ayurvedic Medicine used for over
2,500 years).
Gymnema sylvestre (Gumar)
Traditionally the leaves of this plant are felt to improve blood sugar
control in diabetics, decrease appetite for about 90 minutes and destroy the
power of the tongue to distinguish between sweet and sour for about 20
minutes. Scientific experiments on animals have shown that the gymnemic
acids present in this plant bind to cholesterol causing it to be excreted in
the feces and they can also bind to glucose and oleic acid.
Hawthorn Flowering Tips - (Crataegus
monogyna or C. laevigata)
Traditionally the flowers and leaves of the Hawthorn
tree have been considered as a tonic strengthener
of cardiac/circulatory functions. Its action is unlike
digitalis, hence in Europe often prescribed in Europe.
instead of digitalis. This herb exhibits vasodilatory
action, lowering blood pressure by lowering peripheral
resistance to blood flow.
Horse Chestnut Seeds - (Aesculus hippocastanum)
The principal ingredient of the Horse Chestnut seeds is a
triterpene glycoside mixture, aescin (escin).
Horsetail or Shavegrass (Equisetum arvanse)
Traditionally, because of its high silicon content, this plant has been used
to promote bone growth and hence repair and collagen formation. However the
German E Commission has only approved its use for mild infections or
inflammations of the urogenital tract.
Kudzu (Pueraria lobata)
The root of this herb is very high in starch. The starch from Kudzu is used
as a commercial thickener. The root also contains the isoflavones, daidzein
and daidzin, which have been used to curb the urge to consume alcohol.
Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra; G. uralensis)
The root contains several
flavonoids of flavone and isoflavanone derivatives, in
addition to potassium and calcium salts of glycyrrhizic
acid, also phytosterols and coumarins.
Maca (Lepidium meyenii)
This plant is a staple food in parts of Peru. It contains 60-75%
carbohydrates, 10-14% protein, 8.5% fiber, 2.2% lipids, the three fatty
acids (linolenic, palmitic and oleic), 0.05-0.1% sterols and is rich in
amino acids, sugars, iodine, iron, calcium and potassium. The medicinal
properties attributed to this herb are probably ALL due to its nutritional
content. Some merchants have called it, for commercial reasons, Peruvian
Mathake (Terminalia catappa)
(Sometimes called Indian or Tropical Almond)
Traditionally used as an antifungal agent. Recent experiments in lab
animals have shown it to prevent chemically induced liver damage.
MELON, BITTER (Momordica charantia)
Research on this herb appears to indicate that it can help regulate blood
sugar in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in many people. CAUTION: Check
with your MD and watch your blood sugar levels.
Mexican Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa)
The root of this plant has been used as the precursor for the chemical
manufacture of progesterone and estrogen. However, the chemically active
agent in this plant, called diosgenin, is not a "natural progesterone", has
no progesterone-like properties, nor does the human body convert it into
estrogen. This have been said, in lab experiments diosgenin markedly
increases the biliary output of cholesterol in the rat and has produced an
estrogenic-like effect on mouse mammary epithelium.
Milk Thistle Fruit - (Silybum marianum)
Folklore gave it a mythical use of increasing lactation.
However, in France it is used as a salad green and
cooking vegetable and from Roman times, it was
used as an antidote for the death cap mushroom
(Amanita phalloides), which destroys the liver cells.
The flavonoid, silymarin, in this plant potentiates the
liver content of the major anti-oxidant, glutathione (GSH)
and hence Milk Thistle is a liver-protective drug, which
is helpful in the treatment of cirrhosis and hepatitis and
other forms of liver poisoning. Milk Thistle also contains
8 anti-inflammatory agents that may be useful in psoriasis
and chronic inflammatory conditions.
Motherwort - (Leonurus cardiaca)
This Herbal Medicine consists of the above-ground parts of
this plant, and contains alkaloids (stachydrine), alkaloid-
glycosides and bufenolide
MUIRA PUAMA (Ptychopetalum olacoides)
Traditional used as an aphrodisiac. One research study showed some increase
in libido and reduction of erectile dysfunction.
Mulberry fruit (Morus alba or Ramulus mori) - Sang Shen
Good to eat and sometimes used in cosmetics. Traditional used to relieve
some effects of rheumatiod arithritis, to be a tonic for blood and body
fluids. Also used for insomnia and to darken prematurely grey hair.
There are three Myrobans which are used in traditional Indian medicine and
most often they are used together as Triphala. The three are:
Passion Flower - (Passiflora incarnata)
This herbal medicine consists of fresh or dried, above-ground
parts of Passiflora incarnata. The herb contains flavonoids,
including vitexin, coumarin derivatives, maltol and harman
alkaloids. According to the Com. E Report, the primary use of
this plant is to calm nervous restlessness. Thus this herbal drug
is a sedative and a tranquilizer and it can be of help in insomnia,
fatigue and hyperactivity. ESCOP has also written a report on
this herbal medicine.
Pau D'arco (Tabebula spp.)
In South America this herb is used to treat vaginal yeast infections, as
well as fungal infections. The phytochemicals responsible are thought to
include lapachol and beta-lapchone. CAUTION: High doses of particularly,
the isolates, can be toxic.
Pheasant's Eye Herb - (Adonis vernalis)
This Herbal Medicine consists of the above-ground dried parts
of this plant. The plant contains cardioactive glycosides and
Maximum single dose: 1gm
Maximum Daily dose: 3gm.
Overdose: May lead to nausea, vomiting and rhythmic
heart disorders
Pumpkin Seeds - (Cucurbita pepo)
The dried ripe seeds contain cucurbitin (an amino acid),
bound and free phytosterol, beta and gamma-tocopherols
(Vitamin E), high amounts of L-tryptophan and minerals,
including selenium.
Psyllium seeds (Plantago ovata - blonde and P. psyllium - black)
Used in Indian medicine for diarrhea and dysentery and also for constipation
(depending on the dose). Preliminary scientific experiments have shown that
black psyllium seds lower cholesterol absorption and increase the rate of
cholesterol transformation to bile acids. Psyllium seeds have been used in
weight loss programs.
Quebracho (Aspidosperma quebracho-blancho)
This plant has at least 2 active alkaloids. Traditionally, extracts from
the bark, act on the respiratory centers of the body, lessening the rate of
respiration and decreasing the sensation of need for air/oxygen after active
exercise. This plant traditionally is thought to act on the libido. The
alkaloid quebrachine in this plant is very similar to yohimbine found in the
well known and much abused West African plant Yohimbe (Pausinystalia
RED CLOVER (Trifolium pratense)
This herb contains at least 4 phytoestrogens, namely, genistein,
formononetin, daidzein and biochanin-A. These phytoestrogens can be helpful
for menopausal and pre- and menstrual problems. CAUTION Do not use during
pregnancy and lactation. Very High doses of this herb can be toxic.
Rose Hips (Rosa rugosa and Rosa spp.)
The hips are used as a natural souce of Vitamin C.
Saw Palmetto Berry - (Serenoa serrulata and Serenoa repens)
The Medicinal herb consists of the ripe dried fruits of this
plant. The drug contains fatty oil with phytosterols (sitosterols)
and polysaccharides. The action of Saw Palmetto Berries is
to prevent testosterone from being converted to dihydro-
testosterone. Preliminary evidence indicates that this herb
may aid people with a thyroid deficiency
Scotch Broom Herb - (Cytisus scoparius or
Sarothamus scoparius)
Geoffrey of Anjou adopted this herb as a sign of humility,
on his helmet badge, hence the English "Plantagenet"
Siberian Ginseng Root- (Eleutherococcus
The Com. E Report states that this Herbal Root contains
lignans and coumarin derivatives. NOTE: The root drug acts as
a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor. In various stress models,
the endurance of the test animals was increased. In human
volunteers, the lymphocyte count, especially that of the
T-lymphocytes and especially the helper cells, increased
following the administration of the root extracts. The Report
summed-up the use of this Herbal Medicine as being a tonic
for invigorating and fortifying during times of fatigue,
debilitation or lack of capicity to work or concentrate. The
Russians have used this root extensively with patients
undergoing chemotherapy and also radiotherapy. They also
prescribed it for their cosmonauts and Olympic athletes to
provide energy and negate stress effects.
St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Skullcap (Scutellaria laterifolia)
The Cherokees use this plant for "female health" and in ceremonies when
girls enter womanhood. Traditionally used for menstrual problems and PMS.
It also has an active sedative and tranquilizing action. In addition, there
is a recent report that skullcap extracts may be of use against pulmonary
infections. Note: Dried skullcap preparation may become inert and hence
Stinging Nettle Root (Urtica dioica/Urtica urens)
The root contains beta-sitosterol and its glycosides and
SUMA (Pfaffia paniculata)
The roots of this plant are high in Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 and E. They also
contain fair amounts of iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium and up to 19 amino
acids. Although called by some merchants, for commercial reasons, Brazilian
Ginseng, this herb has NO known nor proven medicinal uses.
TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS (Land or Small Caltrops)
It is a famine food in North India. This herb has diuretic properties.Valerian Root- (Valerian officinalis)
The root contains monoterpenes and sesquierpenes (valerenic
acids). According to the Com. E Report the main use of this
Herbal Medicine is to calm nervous restlessness, to promote
sleep and act as a sedative. This root is a safe tranquilizer and
of use in the treatment of hyperactivity and also insomnia.