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B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry, (Magna cum laude)
Elected Member of the Royal Institute of Chemistry, London
Ph.D. - Trace Element in Human Tissues
Chartered Chemist in Great Britain

Cofounder & Vice President International Institute of Bengal Basin

Consultant in Toxicology, Risk Management & Risk Assessment. Have reviewed data on an on-going basis, for three NPL & State Superfund sites, plus 15 other large industrially polluted sites. Have worked on PEAs, RIs, FSs & Risk Assessments at many other sites in 4 states. Have helped determine regulatory RfDs, RfCs & short term limits. Attend 2-4 overseas international meetings per year on the toxicology of Metals, Risk Management & Regulatory Toxicology. Have compiled & critically reviewed data for ATSDR, EPA, NAS, WHO, Canadian Health & Welfare, NASA, API, CMA, IHF, Chrome Coalition, Cadmium Council, American Chrome & Chemical, Allied Signal, U.S. Borax, FMC, WOGA, EPRI, INTEL & many others. Co-reviewed 2 NAS monographs & added to the contents of ATSDR, WHO, NIOSH, EPA, NAS & EPRI monographs. Have given many lectures on all aspects of Toxicology. Have served as an expert witness, for example, at California Prop. 65 hearings on arsenic (U.S. Borax), cadmium & chromium (FMC) and have evaluated and prepared pre-trial data.

Associate Consultant to NASA

Initiated, totally organized & ran an innovative M.S. program in Environmental/Occupational Toxicology at the Univ. of San Francisco

Senior Research Associate, Inst. Chemical Biology, Univ of San Francisco, on exchange to NASA-Ames, Moffett Field, CA

Consultant and contractor to NASA

Research Associate in Pathology Department, Stanford Medical School, Palo Alto, CA USA

Research Instructor in Internal Medicine, Washington Univ. & Research Chemist (G.S. 13) at V.A. Hospital, St. Louis, Mo.

Postdoctoral Fellow & Research Investigator in Pathology at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital & Tumor Institute & the University of Texas, Houston.

Research Associate in Physics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Institutional Grant from the American Cancer Society.
A Principal Investigator for US Public Health Grant AM-07507.
Investigator for the Apollo Lunar sample program.
Contracts NAS2-5476 & 2-5924 with NASA, Ames, Moffett Field, CA.

American Association University Women's (AAUW) International Post-doctoral Fellowship (seldom given for 18 months).
California State Bicentennial AAUW Merit Award in Science.
NASA Space Act Award, ARC-11323-1, "Mass Spectrometer Sample Manipulator for Laser Microprobe Analysis."
Community Representative California Region II, SARA, Title III Planning Commission (LEPC).
State of California, SARA, Title III Planning Commission, sub-committee on acute planning values for chemicals.
Community Advisor & Representative for the Cleanup of about 12+ Polluted Sites in Palo Alto, CA.
State of California Human Health Dose-Response Workgroup.



  1. Subcontract WHO, to write evaluation of carcinogenic risk of As Pb, Cd, Cr & Ni.
  2. Subcontract to review NAS-NRC, Biogeochemistry of Ni & Pt & Toxicity of trace elements in coals & coal wastes.
  3. Subcontract to EPA to peer preview health assessment of Cr & help write Pb, Al, F, Se, Mg, Ca & hardness in Drinking Water Health Advisories.
  4. Subcontract EPA to peer review 11 Drinking Water Health Advisories.
  5. Subcontract ATSDR to peer review As, Cr, Ni, F, Sn, Zn, Hg, Pu, Th, Al, CN, H2S04, Xylene, Toluene and related issues & documents.
  6. Peer Reviewed for Canadian Health & Welfare As & Cr documents.
  7. Wrote reports on asbestos & other fibers.
  8. Reviewing & writing Risk Assessments. Also reviewing & evaluating PEAs, RIs and FSs of Superfund & similar sites.
  9. Evaluation of acute toxicity values.
  10. Wrote reports on biogeochemistry & toxicity to humans of TCE, related chlorinated solvents, xylene & other aromatic solvents, PCBs, PCB-replacement fluids, fluorocarbons, chlorinated dibenzodioxins & dibenzo-furans, phthalates & ethylene glycol ethers.
  11. Wrote reports on the extrapolation of animal data to humans, occupational & environmental risk assessments, including, As, Se, Cd, Pb, Ba, Ni, Cr, Acid Rain, S02, NOx, ozone & H2S.
  12. Wrote on effects due to smelters, toxic waste burial, leachates from mining wastes, CN wastes chemical sludge ponds, drilling muds & fly ash, including effects from As, Co, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, Se & asbestos.
  13. Wrote on toxicity of metal coatings and metal implants.
  14. Analyzed normal human tissues and fluids for trace metals, worked on standardization of bio-analytical methods for trace elements, laser-microprobe analysis of single cells for trace elements, design of automated emission & mass spectrographic laser microprobes.
  15. Studied interrelationships & log-normal distribution of metals.
  16. Studied the effects of trace elements in heart disease & cancer.
  17. Wrote evaluations of the toxicity of cyclamates & food additives.

I can advise in person, via phone and e-mail. For information, please me or phone (650) 493-8146 Thank you, Inge Harding Barlow.

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